
A few pointers to reduce your anxiety and plan the circumcision

Before the circumcision

  • Read these web pages carefully including the Consent form
  • Decide on time and venue (If using Zoom/Skype for family, please set this up in advance and check it is working)
  • Purchase paracetamol (eg Calpol) and vaseline (I suggest 250ml tub) in advance from pharmacy – please read this important message about buying calpol for babies under 8 weeks old.
  • Buy kiddush wine if needed

On the day of the circumcision

  • Feeding: please just feed him according to your (his!) schedule. You don’t need to make any allowances for the circumcision.

Set up the room

  • A good sized table – big enough to hold the equivalent of 2 regular baby changing mats next to each other
  • Position for as much light as possible
  • At least 3 nappies
  • A standard thin cotton baby blanket (or large muslin)
  • A pair of baby socks can be helpful particularly if the room is cool
  • Waste paper basket (lined eg with a plastic carrier bag)
  • cling film
  • A cup of boiled water

Put your son in a ‘standard’ baby grow with poppers down both legs, and if needed a vest underneath with poppers in standard place

 After the circumcision

  • Follow the instructions that I will give you
  • Keep calm and sober
  • At least one parent to be available in the first twenty-four hours for support
  • Arrange follow up with me