The circumcision

I offer circumcision for boys aged 8 days – 4 weeks old.

If your son was premature or has had particular health problems, I may advise delaying beyond the 4 week mark, but please contact me as soon as he is born so I can advise you about this.


Circumcision is a surgical procedure. It has been practised by Jews and other cultures for centuries and is widely practised in certain countries amongst all cultures.

It is quite a quick procedure (only a few minutes). You may have a number of questions about the procedure itself, and I will happily answer those either beforehand or on the day if you wish. Some parents don’t want to know the ‘medical detail’ of the procedure – that is up to you. If you do want to know more about the procedure in detail, see the link at the bottom of this page..

GMC legislation recommends written consent from both parents. A copy of my consent form can be downloaded at the bottom of the page for you to look at, but I will bring a copy for you to sign. In order to assist you in making an informed choice, I have summarised the available information of potential complications and indicated their likelihood. The figures are taken from a recent audit of all home circumcisions I have carried out between January 2019 and December 2024 (total of 649).

Circumcision is a safe procedure with few complications when carried out properly.
Neonatal (cultural) circumcision is a cosmetic procedure to remove the foreskin.

Concern Out of a total 649
Skin bridge 30 5%
Mucosal adhesion 24 4%
Cosmetic concern from parents eg baggy redundant skin, skin tag 9 1%
Bleeding after I had left (required my reattendance) 4 < 1%
Buried penis 2 < 0.5%
Undiagnosed hypospadias 1 < 0.5%
Advised not suitable for circumcision before proceduredue to anatomical variations

(out of a total of 672)

23 3%

Wounds that are not stitched behave differently to ‘surgical’ wounds that have been stitched. The wound often becomes sticky and a little ‘wet’ looking. This is similar to the appearance if you have had a bad graze on a knee or elbow. Inexperienced observers (including some doctors) may incorrectly think this is infection, however it actually represents normal wound healing. True infection requiring treatment is rare. I have never had a case of infection requiring antibiotics. I include this information because it is often a concern for parents.

I hope that this information is useful in making an informed choice regarding your son’s circumcision, I would be happy to answer any further points when we meet.

Please look at the Consent form.

To explain the terms used in the table above and in the consent form, you can click here.

Details of the procedure:

If you would like more information on the medical aspects and details of the procedure, please click here